2009 Bring it
So wow, here we are... first post of 2009!
and I'm back at work, again and bored.... again
If i were into new years resolutions maybe one would be to work up the courage to get a new more interesting job. I guess its a good thing I hate resolutions. putting a time frame on things just fucks up your chi, then you never get anything done like you'd planned, then you get all depressed about the fact.
so anyway instead of cleaning n shit during my time off I actually managed to take some knitting related pictures - I know RIGHT! swoon!
this is my progress on the February Lady Sweater in Blue Sky Alpaca's Dyed Cotton, Tomato colourway.
This yarn is great soft-wise, its luscious not like normal cotton at all! Problem is that I think its going to pill like motherbitch. While I was doing a EZ stretchy bind off (which uses a darning needle instead of an actual bind off - a little like Kitchener stitch) I was collecting the little pill balls that were shedding off it like a second skin - it was crazy!
This pic shows off the Gull Lace Stich a lot better than the first. As you can see i'm just beginning on the first sleeve, which I think will be around elbow length. Knowing my luck i'll finish it just before winter and wont get to wear it until next summer!

p.s - sorry about the language, it is monday after all... I should find a good I hate monday's icon - HEY SOMETHING TO DO!!!!