Ahh TV how much to I love thee, let me count the ways
1 - Supernatural is back for its 4th season, Dean is fresh outta Hell (no really HELL) and Angels are preparing for a possible Apocalypse.... one word: Awesome!
2 - Trisha Helfer on Burn Notice. I seem to have developed a crush on Michael Weston ex spy from Burn Notice, the fact that No. 6 (from BSG) has joined them (I'd totally turn gay for her) is just awesomeness personified. :D
3 - Terminator: Sarah Conners Chronicles is back! There was some speculation as to whether or not this would get picked up for second season after the writers strike. I for one am glad that it has. I haven't watched any of the new epps but they're bound to be just as good... fingers crossed.
4 - Heroes Villains. Like Terminator there was some doubt that Heroes would be back after the strike. Heroes is a cliffhanger-fest that always leaves me wanting more, its great. Even if the overall plot is always the same.... change the future to save the world.
5 - NCIS, they're breaking up the Gibbs team WHAT? Nooooooooooooo!
This show can do no wrong in my book.6 - Dexter, the worlds most lovable serial killer.... no seriously. Nothing quite like this show on TV that I'm aware of. Making something so dark that you can still identify and sympathise with would be no easy task, but this show pulls it off. Well I think so at least. Defiantly not for the feint hearted.
Season 3 just started and its another that I've been eagerly awaiting. I only just picked this one up so i was able to watch all two previous seasons back to back. having to wait between epps is going to be hard!