Bit of this Bit of That
I've noticed that my recent blogging has been very non knitterly related.... well time to fix that!
I've been working on a couple of boring projects. The first is that shrug that i wanted to make in time to wear at my SIL wedding, where i am Maid of Honour no less.
Well this is it:
I used the stitch pattern from's Spirogyra and pretty much knitted a rectangle. Unfortunately this pattern doesn't make a nice straight rectangle, it looked more like a parallelogram in that it leaned heavily to one side. If I'd had proper blocking wires it probably would have blocked out better, but I don't so I had to do the ol million pins block.
That's okay it's wearable.
And kinda hard to take a photo of while it was on:
The cool edging is a Scalloped Edging and the pattern for it can be found here

How is all this crap about the global credit crisis tho huh? Its insane, the Aussie Dollar is down to around 60 US cents per dollar. It's hit 5 year lows (at least i think that's what they were getting at... finance is so hard to understand sometimes!) its CRAP! Especially because I buy all my yarn directly from the US and a lot of other things like books and DVD's. Well not right now I gotta tell you!!!
1:10 AM
What a cute shrug! Awesome job!
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