Kitty Photo Shoot
On the weekend, I accomplished a few things:
1 - I ripped out my Corsica.... sigh
2 - I wrapped up the yarn into hank type things, soaked them in Eucalyptus wool wash overnight and hung them up to dry.
3 - I created this awesome home made dryer/hanger thing to accompish no 2:

Hubby has a habit of accidently breaking coat hangers along the bottom edge, its cos he violently grabs at the shirt hanging on it and just pulls. If the hanger gets stuck he keeps pulling until it breaks... which means those hangers are no longer good for hanging pants.... Men....
The hangers with the yarn are broken along that edge which means i can thread them onto a non broken one and use the hook part to hang the yarn on... it worked really well. Unfortunatly the half dead tree in our front yard (which is the only yard we have) was the only place in the sun that i could put them. Our clothesline is under the carport which houses our white van 99.9% of the time.... so we cant use our clothesline.... sigh.
What is hanging there was the 2nd batch, the first was much bigger.
4 - while outside all three kittehs came to say hello and all three put on a little photoshoot for me.
I took 87 photo's that afternoon (not all of cats tho, I swear!) It took so long to upload them to flickr that it froze!
This is my Fav Crazy pic:
He knew I was taking photo's of him, I just kept snapping in the hopes that i'd get something good :)
This is my Fav Kitty Pic:
well, actually its a tie because I couldnt decide between these two:

I call the 2nd one the Princess Pose because of she's holding her leg up like she doesnt want it to touch the icky ground.
I like this one too, but its best viewed small because of the blurryness, its a bit arty more than ground breaking photography :)

Fav Leroy Pic:
Not to be outdone by the new intruder (thats crazy) Leroy decided to do some cutsey rollin around too.... dude this is why you always have burrs and sticks in your fur!

I like this one too because he reminds me of those cat pyramid statues

Fav Group Shot:

Unfortunatly for most of the shoot Crazy sat on the outer, kitty doesnt mind going close to him (they play fight often which usually leads to crazy hissing at mid air - kitty's usually too fast for him) but he's become amazingly affectionate towards me... they all are because i'm the hand that feeds them! Crazy's been sitting on my lap.... sometimes both Kitty and Crazy will plonk themselves on me while i'm trying to knit. It has definatly produced some jealously amongst the three. Leroy never has been much of a lap cat, but even he has started to jump up and plonk himself down... although he never stays long and usually it means that there's no cat bikkies in the bowl!
I also got some Proof of crazy's affection... in case he trys to deny it later:

5 - I also made a mint slice. Okay so it was easy as pie and straight out of a packet.... I'm not a homemaker people, knitting is the only homey type activity i do and I prefer to think of it as crafty rather than homey or womanly.... anywho i made the crappy slice that tasted like it came from a packet.... because it did.
so this is what the packet said my slice should look like:

ah huh yeah whatever:

Okay it didnt taste as bad as i make out... we ate it all so it wasnt THAT bad.
i'm not a cook.
and by the end of the weekend this is what my corsica looked like:

While i'm waiting for Fibre Fiend to release the updated version of her pattern with larger sizes i'm back to working on the Organiana now in the round, which has been sitting on my side table for months and months now. I wonder how long it will be before i get sick of it and start doing Wicked?
11:28 AM
I love the kitty pics! The first one is my fave =) top
12:02 AM
Your cats are super cute!! And those chocolate mint squares look DELICIOUS. Sorry about corsica, but at least now the yarn can be put to another use.
- Julie top
8:00 AM
The kitty pics are very cute and your mint slice looks yummy - I'd eat it :)
-- Michelle top