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And the yarn doth arriveth in spades

The Cascade 220 burgundy yarn came first, late last week.

Its exactly as I was hoping, a really deep blood red colour that's going to look great as Corsica (it arrived first so it won the pattern). The official number of the colour (in case you like it) is 2401, cascade has a lot of different shades of red with different numbers :)


mmmm, looks yummy in these pics:


Taking pictures of cables in twilight is not easy! I had to use a weird setting on our camera (its not a point and click camera and only hubby knows how to use it properly!) that held the shutter open for longer to let in more light. That setting obviously needs to be done on a tripod because they weren't in focus, but they're better pics than anything I could take on Auto, which automatically used the flash all the time:



My gauge was a bit weird with this (yes I actually did a swatch *gasp*) I had 4sts to the inch but the whole swatch didn't measure 4" across like it should have..... ?? Huh??

Lengthwise was spot on before blocking, but it grew a little after and went to 4.2" which I think will be okay cos I prefer a little length anyway.

I've just said bugger it and went ahead, I think it will still be fine.
Damn swatches, they LIE those mean Lying liars! Just ask Emily or Cyn!

The Malabrigo Sealing Wax arrived yesterday:


I took so many photos it kinda is funny! But i'm going to save them for tomorrow so this post isnt so image heavy..... mwahahahaha

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  • Anonymous Anonymous says so:
    12:29 PM  

    You swatch probably didn't measure 4" because the very edge stitches and the cast-on and bind-off throw off the size of it (make it smaller). To measure stitches per 4 inches, you have to knit a much bigger swatch (7"x7"?). NOT that I have any faith in those buggers anymore.. ;-) top