Must... Stop... buying... YARN!
okay so I got a bee in my bonnet and realised that i've been eyeing the Corsica (ravelry link) pattern for a long time and that I really like it.
So i caved in and bought it, the reason i'd been putting it off is because the pattern is $8 usd. I guess I am a bit of a cheapskate but most patterns average between 4-6 dollars so 8 just seemed a little expensive but bugger it, I very rarely buy patterns so why the hell not.
Then of course i've got to find yarn for it, and being on the XL side its going to take about 1200 odd yards. I really wanted to use Debbie Bliss Alpaca Silk but it just wasnt cost effective! So I settled on Cascade 220 in a dark red colour thats going to look great! Problem then is that i saw someone advertise a Malabrigo sale going on in the Malabrigo Junkies group forum, now usually I'm way too late for the sales so i jumped at the chance to get in early while some of my more fav colours were still avaliable.
I spent 102 aussie dollars and got 6 skeins of Sealing Wax, a really great looking bright red colour that hopefully looks a little like this:
ARGH - over two days i'd spent almost 200 bucks on yarn and patterns (after pay day I also got Emily's charity sock pattern too).
Then 100% pure wool (they make merino yarn that is exactly like Malabrigo except cos they're not as well known they dont charge as much as malabrigo, but their colours are vastly different) e-mail me the VERY next day about thier latest promotion which could have gotten me 7 skeins for $70..... dang!
You dont know how close I came to caving on that one too! But I stayed strong and held off, PureWool always has some kind of deal going and I seem to be on thier mailing list after purchasing the pink & brown monstrosity from them.
A word of warning!: Thier colours dont always match what you see on thier website.... which has put me off a little. When I purchased the P&B monstrosity I though the pink was going to be a lovley dusky light pink... but what I got was HOT pink... the pinkest pink you ever did pink:
I hate Pink
This is what i thought I was ordering:This is what I got:
In all honesty its my own damn fault, I know I hate pink, I regretted it as soon as I paid for it. So if you're going to get yarn from that site, make sure its in a colour that you'll love no matter what shade it comes out as!
Lately i've been thinking of giving that yarn life as a Clapotis.... if I ever get a chance with all the other things I want to knit but just dont have time!!
so back to the yarn purchases.... now I have to decide which batch of yarn is going to be the Corsica and which is going to be something else, maybe something red can actually now be red?!
dangnamit, Blogger spellcheck still isnt working... blogger does some strange ol things in Internet explorer!
11:19 PM
I think the pink & brown would make a great clapotis. My clapotis is rapidly approaching one year of being on the needles.. eep. top