As predicted my package from Lisa my swap buddie in the KH secret swap WAS waiting for me when I got home - YAY!!
She warned me about the tape :) as i used my trusty pocket knife to open the box I realised that she'd gone to so much effort to wrap each little parcel that i just had to take pictures and document the grand opening :)
The Children (kitties that is) were very curious about the package from across the seas!
I've never had so much effort put into wrapping individual items in a swap before... i almost didnt want to open them.... almost :)
Squeeeeee - little ribbons and everything!
Mugs & Chocolates and Counters - OH MY!
Mug Shot - HA HA GET IT???!!! *Groan*
Its got chillies and cowboy boots on it... tee hee!
These KP options cables are what I was really looking forward to. The options kit only gives you two sizes 24" & 32".
These are 40" & 60" which will be great for sweaters and really big shawls or blankets. I know for a fact that the Candle Flame Shawl gets so big it's easiest to knit on the 60 inchers.... if i ever get around to knitting that one, its on my ravelry list.... *sigh* so many things are on my ravelry list.
and three balls of the georgeous KnitPicks Elegance in a lovely blue colour:
I've got two patterns in mind for these. 1st is a hat pattern that i've been waiting for the exartstudent to post on her blog for MONTHS now (lol):
It has the coolest crown shaping:

or possibly the Montego Bay Scarf - but i'm not sure how long the three balls would make... I do prefer skinny scarves anyway... but i think i'll start with the hat and see how it goes.
mmmmmm Hershey's - needless to say they're almost all gone, and once i get home tonight they will be well and truly gone :) yummy :)
So thankyou again Lisa, i'm soooooo heappy
(think maid marien in Robin Hood: Men in Tights - love that movie!)
4:41 AM
I am so pleased you liked everything! I had a blast.... You were a wonderful partner to have!! Cheers! (I love that!) top
2:13 PM
Oh you have the most fantastic swap partner! Those are some amazing stuff!
And thank you for wanting to make hat! I think it's kinda amazing how other people want to make stuff out of my pattern! (I know I'm kinda childish that way)
To warn you, the hat you first saw back in November isn't exactly like the pattern I wrote - minor change being the ribbing is done with twisted stitch (k tbl) not plain knit - I think it gives more crisp definition.
If you ever come across a problem or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me!
Looking forward seeing the finished hat! top