I just realised that my last post was on the 6th of the 6th 2006.Supposedly the day of the Beast. There were stories on the news here and everything. Apparently there were women trying not to have their babies born on that day because it could be bad luck!
Oh and some satanistic cults were (supposedly) saying that it was going to be the end of the world...... um we're still here!
what exactly do they think is going to happen? Just poof where no longer here, or do they envision an apocalypse type senario, where the sky's rain fire and brimstone... shit like that.
There were a couple of cool things on Flickr this being one of them
It seems that Lilly E Gray may have been the victim of demonic possession. The only one ever to occur in the American town where this grave is located. Actually virtually nothing is known for sure about Lilly Gray other than she died in a hospital. There are some ghost hunters who are very intregued by her and are trying to learn more of her history... with little sucess so far it would seem. They talk about her a bit on this Forum Site: http://www.ugri.org/forum/index.php/topic,31.0.html