How Sweet is is... Wednesday, June 21, 2006 |
Found a really cool blog yesterday, it was sent to me by a friend who stumbled upton it.
Nicki is an Aussie chick too, she's in Melbourne and she's a bit of chololate nut. She's got a whole heap of recipes that she bloggs.
Just reading them and looking at the pictures is enticing enough. My friend made her low fat chocolate fuge cookies, they were soooooo nice, all gooey inside. I put on 5 kilo's just looking at them :) (althought they are low fat, that doesn't mean that they don't have any fat!)
She's also got a recipe for a nutella cake where she used a whole jar of nutella... That ones defiantly not low fat. YUM tho.
Also went and had a tasting at my wedding reception place. We had Canelloni, Linguini and Atlantic Salmon entrees that were soooo nice all presented really well and tasted great to boot! We were so pleased.... Then the mains came out.
They all had this saucey stuff that covered the plate which tasted like someone had scraped the dregs from the bottom of a frying pan and tried to mix them into some sort of saucy semblance. Needless to say it was horrible, they were supposed to be different sauces and reductions on each dish but they all tasted the same. GROSS!
We had a roasted chicken, lamb rack and a fillet of beef. The beef was rare... like i mean BLUE. My Dad is a Chef and he refused to eat it, the veggies were raw (you know how they dont cook them for long enough and they're still crunchy). So were going to have to make a few changes:
Lamb Rack
sliced lamb not on bone
no sauce
tender veggies nicely cooked - not crunchy
Fillet of Beef
delicate red wine sauce
medium to well done
tender veggies nicely cooked - not crunchy
roasted potatoes instead of lentil mash
chargrilled chicken
tender veggies - beans cooked longer
remove creamed gnochi and pesto and add something else
no sauce
So now we have to do another tasting to see if they can get it right this time.
I should also note that the desserts were to die for! i've never tasted such a rich flourless chocolate cake before, it was thicker than any mud cake i've ever had! and the cadeou of chocolate was lovely and creamy in the middle too. Oh and i'm not a fan of sticky date pudding but what we had was sooo nice.
Okay so i didnt tell them that we'll be having the wedding cake as dessert but they didnt need to know that just then :)
On Black Friday, June 16, 2006 |
Calla lily |
Calla lily
Originally uploaded by Ally123.
i love calla's just like this one. They're going to be my wedding flower and i'm continuing the theme though our boquet's, the cake flowers, our bonbinerie's are little frames with calla lilies around the edges, our inivtations and orders of service will have a single seramic calla lily on the front.
I've always loved them, i think it sems from the fact that we used to have a little patch in the first house that i lived in. When i was 5 yrs old i used to play with them, i loved the smell and the yellow stem in the middle which gets pollen on it as the flower ages.
it just brings back some memories, i've always loved to paint and draw them too.
A Cigarette, Platform Shoes and a Finger Tuesday, June 13, 2006 |
Have a look at it in full and read some of the comments people have added.
She is full of character and fire, obvioulsy she didnt particularly want her picture taken, or she didnt like the connotations she may feel surround any interest taken in her.
She makes you want to know more about her, Why is she there? Does she feel stupid? Does she want to get out? What are the circumstaces that put her there? Drugs, Alcohol?
I dont feel sorry for her though, she doesnt arouse sympathy... perhaps becuase of the finger. But one gets the impression that she wouldnt take sympathy anyway, she wouldnt have a bar of that at all.
Isn't it amazing all the thoughts and feelings one simple image can congure up.
06/06/06 Saturday, June 10, 2006 |
I just realised that my last post was on the 6th of the 6th 2006.Supposedly the day of the Beast. There were stories on the news here and everything. Apparently there were women trying not to have their babies born on that day because it could be bad luck!
Oh and some satanistic cults were (supposedly) saying that it was going to be the end of the world...... um we're still here!
what exactly do they think is going to happen? Just poof where no longer here, or do they envision an apocalypse type senario, where the sky's rain fire and brimstone... shit like that.
There were a couple of cool things on Flickr this being one of them
It seems that Lilly E Gray may have been the victim of demonic possession. The only one ever to occur in the American town where this grave is located. Actually virtually nothing is known for sure about Lilly Gray other than she died in a hospital. There are some ghost hunters who are very intregued by her and are trying to learn more of her history... with little sucess so far it would seem. They talk about her a bit on this Forum Site:,31.0.html
And so begins another week Monday, June 05, 2006 |
I'm so lazy, i dont have any friends thats how lazy i am. I have H2B and thats almost it. We're good friends with his sister, who is my Maid Of Honour and future sister in law, and her parter and i sometimes keep in touch with some old work colleagues but other than that we have very little friends.
most of the time they're too much hard work, i'd rather not have to worry about which friend havent i seen in months and months. I havent seen my other bridesmaid for at least 3 months, last i saw her we all bought some shoes for the wedding.
How horrible is that!?!
i'm not very talkative on the phone, unless i have something specific to tell someone then there's really no point i think. And then there's trying to find a time when we're all free, thats almost impossible! then it falls into the too hard basket.
like i said, i'm sooo lazy!
Actually it sounds really bad to put it in words like that... i wonder if most families are like that, i know mine was. I do remember going to my parents friends places when i was a kid, like 5 yrs old, but that just stopped, i guess it got too hard for mum and dad too.
It all costs money as well, if you go out for a coffee or lunch it all adds up, with the way petrol is at the moment you know its just not viable. How can we all keep living like this? what has to change so that we as a people can move forward technologically with transport, somebody needs to take an alternative energy source seriously. I dont know alot about this issue but sureley its becoming more and more nesisary and relevent to our world today. How can we keep burining up non renewable resources and not think of the future, our childrens children???
its very sad, i think... i hope i'm not around to witness the consequences...