Icon Mania Thursday, April 16, 2009 |
one of my newest hobbies/fads of the moment is icon making. Its delectably addictive :)
Trawling through textures and effects to play around with in Photoshop is like crack!!
here's a few that I've made featuring mainly Twilight actors Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Jackson Rathbone, Taylor Lautner and a touch of supernatural - Jensen Ackles:
Most textures I used are from http://community.livejournal.com/icon_textures
I learnt to do a lot of this stuff from this awesome livejournal community http://community.livejournal.com/icon_tutorial/

oh yeah - for the birds animated by ME!
Its probably a good thing that I don't really have many readers, with how slack i am at updating n stuff.
A lot has happened since the last post. We went on our really quick trip to Sydney to do some sightseeing and catch the only Australian screening of How To Be.

It was really cool, the movie was great RPattz fans would love it. Its a quirky and at times really, really funny movie. Here's hoping that it becomes more widely available soon.
We met some cool people while waiting too, i would have taken pictures at the actual screening but we didn't want to seem to tryhard, but the lecture theater was packed and it was a really great atmosphere.
I gotta tell you tho, so annoyed at JetStar right now. Originally I'd booked a flight back to home from Sydney at around lunchtime Sunday which gave us some time to have breakfast, check out and leisurely make our way to the Airport via some of suburban Sydney. But noooooooo JetStar changed their flight to 6.30 in the freaking morning, which meant that we had to be at the airport at 5.30, which meant getting up and checking out of the hotel at 4.45AM!!
It was not fun :(
but what was fun was going and seeing some sights, we visited the StarCity Casino - won 40bucks on the pokies and had their buffet dinner - expensive but a wide selection and really tasty too. I don't know why but i didn't take any photos that first afternoon/night but i went a little crazy on the Satdy.

Friday night they were having the Australian MTV awards on down by darling harbour. As we were walking back from the casino they had a bit of red carpet stuff happening. We saw Vanilla Ice and Ruby Rose from like a huge distance away but other than that just a whole bunch of Toyota Yaris cars.... wooo exciting right :)
Satdy we walked all the way from Central Station down to The Rocks to check out the markets they have their. They're pretty cool, we wandered around there for ages determined to by something but coming up really empty handed. I saw some awesome pictures that were just humongous, if we'd been driving i would have gotten one but there was no way i was getting them on a plane back home. So in the end I got a pretty cool hair clip and some dangly red earrings (i have an obsession with dangly earrings!).
We then walked down to Circular Quay and kept getting harassed by people asking about our hair - they were trying to sell a particular salon and were obviously told to target any females withing the 20-30 age group! Very frustrating.
Circular Quay is really very pretty, you get a great view of the Harbour Bridge no matter where you are. For example this was our view at lunch that day:

We stopped at an Italian restaurant and both had their lasagna and a beer, it too was really really tasty and of course being the Quay really really expensive :)

By this time my feet were killing me, and there was no way we could walk back to the Hotel so we caught a ferry from Circular Quay to Darling Harbour which wasn't very far from where we were staying. On the Ferry I snapped quite a few pics, here's some of them.

So anyway, we went a really long way and spent quite a bit of money to go see a movie but it was totally worth it, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat if Little Ashes was screening in Sydney and nowhere else!
Coming soon on boring blog, some actual knitting escapades *gasp*