Its like one extreme to the next.
In my home town in Australia it hit the hottest day since the 1930's yesterday. A sultry 45degrees C. Why thats only 113F, pfffft. Today it hit 42 and probably will be the same again tomorrow!
And in the US some parts are experiencing extreme cold snaps that are causing numerous blackouts and traffic incidents

I wanna be here right now, SFM!!
weird title I know, I'm listening to Garbage on my laptop right now.... so its a line from one of their songs.
My ISE scarf is coming along nicely, after a false start the stitch pattern that I've chosen is working really well with the yarn.
Its Lorna's Laces Green Line, and my lounge room lamp just doesn't do the colours in this yarn any justice at all! I took it to work yesterday because my usual lunch buddie wasn't going to be in, and rather than sit around doing nothing for an hr (like usual) I brought it in for something to do.
The colours just popped out in the natural sunlight, there are so many different shades of green in this yarn its amazing! My buddie is a gardening guru it sounds like, plus she listed one of her fav colours as green so the yarn is pretty fitting in more ways than one.

This pattern is Scarves to throws month 3 (available here) and this is what I attempted prior

Which in real life, much like in the picture, looked a lot like green mush. Not much stitch definition, this pattern would look better in a solid colour I think.
And totally off this topic, I have a sudden urge to knit socks ?! WUT? huh?
I've only ever knit one pair, with worsted weight cotton yarn and i gotta say i just didn't get the omgimustknitsockslotsofsocksandnevereverstop obsession that seems to grip a lot of people.
I'm blaming this sudden need on these really cool new shoes of mine

They're Converses in blue that goes really well with denim... as you can tell... and seeing that I wear nothing but jeans they're exceptionally cool!!! They're just regular chucks they don't go up the ankle.
But really hand knit socks would not be showcased by these shoes so I'm not sure why I feel like I need them. Maybe its because these are so awesome that they deserve something better than store bought socks *dunno*
but i think they're going to be my next project. Take that 40degree heat - yeah i hate it so much!!
2009 Bring it Monday, January 05, 2009 |
So wow, here we are... first post of 2009!
and I'm back at work, again and bored.... again
If i were into new years resolutions maybe one would be to work up the courage to get a new more interesting job. I guess its a good thing I hate resolutions. putting a time frame on things just fucks up your chi, then you never get anything done like you'd planned, then you get all depressed about the fact.
so anyway instead of cleaning n shit during my time off I actually managed to take some knitting related pictures - I know RIGHT! swoon!

this is my progress on the February Lady Sweater in Blue Sky Alpaca's Dyed Cotton, Tomato colourway.
This yarn is great soft-wise, its luscious not like normal cotton at all! Problem is that I think its going to pill like motherbitch. While I was doing a EZ stretchy bind off (which uses a darning needle instead of an actual bind off - a little like Kitchener stitch) I was collecting the little pill balls that were shedding off it like a second skin - it was crazy!

This pic shows off the Gull Lace Stich a lot better than the first. As you can see i'm just beginning on the first sleeve, which I think will be around elbow length. Knowing my luck i'll finish it just before winter and wont get to wear it until next summer!
Unforuantly at the moment all my knitting time is devoted to getting the swap scarf for ISE7 done and blocked, but thats something I should save for another post, cant use all this great material in one hit now can I!?!

p.s - sorry about the language, it is monday after all... I should find a good I hate monday's icon - HEY SOMETHING TO DO!!!!