Chocolate sponge with cream and jam in the middle.... mmmm yummy!
Still working on the sleeves for wicked, what i refuse to admit to is frogging the whole fucking thing and starting over. Yes that's what I did, I just couldn't live with it. But so far so good the sleeve is proving a little boring through so...

Yes, I think that saying that I wouldn't start anything new until i'd finished Wicked was like my subconscious playing reverse psychology on me, I've jumped on the incredibly late bandwagon and cast on for Clapotis.
I want to use all 6 hanks of the pink and brown monstrosity so i don't have any of it left over to taunt me. I don't care what it looks like because I plan to use it as a blanket not a wrap. Yeeha take that yarn!
wow, its been a while. I guess that's the downside of not joining the latest Secret Pal swap... no motivation for blogging.
I blame Ravelry :P
that and I'm only knitting one project now and I'm vowing to keep it that way until its finished!!
But in more exciting news... or not... it was my birthday on the 3rd. Actually it was very uneventful it didn't even feel like my birthday. I'm only 26. Not a big milestone... my next one is 30, eep!
But even at 26 I feel like I'm 50.
we're not big on presents in my family so I didn't get much, i never do. The hubby was nice enough to get me a good pressie. He's been seeing me eyeing off digital cameras. The camera that we have, his camera, is a Nikon SLR camera. It's huge and it weighs a tonne, its not very appropriate for taking pictures of knitting and FO's because its so complicated, and he's got a couple of different lenses for it.

What I've always wanted was a good point and shoot camera that had overall focus and would take true colour pics. I didn't even know he was going to get me anything, we don't normally exchange gifts like this, we tend to just get what we want when we see it.
My sister in law got me the 5th season of Scrubs... I love this show, its hilarious! Oh and my Mother in law got me the latest Janet Evanovich novel Fearless Fourteen, also hilarious... but not as good as most of the others in this series.

I took some pictures of the Cheesecake shop cake that Hubby bought too (I had two massive slices of it) with the new camera of course. But i havent transferred them over to the PC yet.
yummy cake pictures comming soon!!