How i've totally neglected thee!!
since Missy passed away in March I havent really wanted to come here, but thats all about to change cos.... I joined an internet knitting & Crochet swap.
Which means that when buddies are assigned that person will be comming here to find out more about me.... GOOD GOD!
Hi future Swap buddie

So I guess this is about to become my knitting blog and I might actually have to start taking pictures of my FO's! I never get around to that....

so here are a few things that my swap partner might like to know about me
1: I'm not allergic to anything
2: I'm kinda over the novalty yarns, i'm not a yarn snob tho, i dont turn my nose up at some nice acrylic. But the whole eyelash and feathers thing - ugh over it!
3: I dont like pink on its own, but its okay when there are flecks of it mixed in with other colours. I've seen some nice pink and brown varigated yarns
4: Red is my Fav colour, but i'm also partial to the earthy colours as well... greens and browns seem to be my cothing choices at the moment. Blue's as well, although not so much baby blue -i preferr darker blues
5: I've just recently discovered that i HATE mohair - no mohair please :) it can sometimes feel like dog hair... yuk!
6: speaking of pets, i have two cats - i'm more of a cat person but i'm also partial to the cutest puppy!
7: I like really soft yarn, usually the kind that you want to bathe in LOL! But its usually expensive so dont feel like its got to be bathealicious - i just made that word up - HA
8: i'm also a jewellery freak, anything silver i love - particularly earrings so swap buddie o mine if you're into making stuff like that WOOHOO for me :) (if not thats cool too!)
Hmmm, i'm sure there is more and i'm sure that i'll let you know too