Fav TV shows
Battlestar Galactica - This show really perplexes me, its aired on SciFi and has been acclaimed as the best show on TV. I love it, its witty, meaningful and totally different. Its got me hooked. The only problem is the fans and the way the SiFi channel is treating it. There are so many nay-sayers who were forever predicting its upcoming doom, bad ratings and cancellation. Consequently I think the producers decided enough is enough and they are filming the fourth and final season, where at least we will (fingers crossed) get a conclusion to the story.
The story is the best part, and the acting from EVERYONE is fantastic. Its such a big cast and everyone pulls their weight. James Callis as Giaus Balter and Trisha Helfer as the Cylon Number 6 are just awesome together, the first two seasons are worth watching for them alone.
Here is a bit of a blurb from Wikipedia:
"Battlestar Galactica continues from the 2003 mini-series to chronicle the journey of the last surviving humans from the Twelve Colonies of Man after their nuclear annihilation by the Cylons. The survivors are led by President Laura Roslin and Commander William Adama in a ragtag fleet of ships with the Battlestar Galactica, a powerful but out-dated warship at its head. Pursued by Cylons intent on wiping out the remnants of the human race, the survivors travel across the galaxy looking for the fabled and long-lost thirteenth colony: Earth." NCIS - This is my Fav show on Aussie TV (although we're still in between seasons at the moment). The best thing about this show is the characters and their development, each actor knows their character inside out and the writing is fantastic. Each epp they manage to get a great story with a beginning, middle and end as well as embedding an intriguing overarching story that usually surrounds the main characters.
This show is actually a spin off of Jag... and can I just say i HATED Jag with a passion just couldn't sit down and watch 5mins of it. But NCIS is totally the opposite and I really love it.
Abby the Goth Forensic scientist is my fav character, with Tony coming in close second (lurve Michael Weatherly)
Californication -
This show reminds me of Sex & the City but from a more male perspective. Hank Moody played by David Duchovney is great, he's flawed and gritty with a hell of a lot of baggage much like the show itself. Its like nothing else on TV at the moment and it doesn't shy away from the whole sex, drugs and rock n roll type stuff... and that's why I really like it.
From Wikipedia: "The show follows brothers Sam and Dean Winchester, who travel across the country in a black 1967 Chevy Impala investigating and combatting paranormal events and other unexplained occurrences, many of them based on American urban legends and folklore as well as classic supernatural creatures such as vampires, werewolves, and ghosts."
Smallville - I've gone off this show a little, I don't know why its taken channel 10 in OZ so long to catch up with the epps from the US. They're already half way through the 7th season in US while we've only just started season 6...but from what I've seen so far its getting a bit lame. The 5th season showed such promise with the 100th epp being pretty good, but it ended so stupidly and now I've lost interest again. I'll probably pick up the rest of the DVD's later down the track (I've already invested in 1-4 so i might as well get the whole set). I don't think they can keep stringing out the Lana/Clark angst thing or the accepting who you are stuff for much longer.... I say that and yet somehow they keep doing it... *shrug*
Bionic Woman - I'm really only interested in this show because of Katee Sackoff who's in Battlestar Galactica and I really do like her troubled Femme Fatal bad ass orginial Bionic Woman character Sarah. She hams it up a little with the excessive makeup and typical evilish facial expressions but i still love her and want to find out if they can fix her. The show is produced by the same person who does BSG and as such it's already featured a couple of the same cast members... plus a shameless plug of BSG playing on a TV in the background of a short scene in one of the BW epps.
I doubt though that this show will last very long... I give it two seasons before the ratings suck and its canned, disappointing hardcore fans... much like what happened with Dark Angel.And you know as much as online environments for TV shows are a great way to meet and interact with people who love the same stuff that you do, sharing an environment with those people can really affect your experience of the show. BSG is my personal experience, I enjoyed the show much much more when It was on TV and I was taping it (cos it was aired at like 11.30 during the week) then watching on the weekend. I formed my own opinions without being influenced by what others thought, I went as in depth as I wanted to go and chose to ignore what I wanted to ignore. When you surround yourself with people who are so into the show, who take it apart piece by piece and analyse every little section... I felt like I lost something, like I had too much information that people were pulling each epp apart and comparing it to others. I realised then that I was no longer able to form my own opinion because it was too heavily influenced by what people in the community were saying. Of course that's my own fault for spending far too much time there, and for wanting to be spoiled - wanting to get as much info on the show as I could... which ultimately ruined the surprise and wonder that I loved so much when I watched the first season. So for the final run of BSG I'm not going to be influenced by spoilers or rabid fans striping my favourite show into pieces, and will probably influence my online involvement with other TV shows that I love.